Samantha has been teaching students of all ages and levels since 2015 in diverse styles and teaching methods geared toward her students' goals. Some styles include Musical Theater, Classical, Jazz, Pop/Rock. 

Samantha has a unique skill set centered on education, professionalism, passion, and dedication to education in the arts.

Samantha encourages her students to develop a strong technical foundation, a keen sense of the body in relationship to the voice, an appreciation for the art form, and a deep appreciation for their unique artistic expression.

She seeks to provide each student with a concise and reliable skill set that will allow her singers to be successful and confident in their abilities. 



1.     To enhance each singer’s unique sound.

2.     To provide each singer with performance opportunities that will allow them to build confidence and leadership skills.

3.     To strengthen each singer’s overall musicianship skills.

4.     To encourage each singer to discover their most creative and artistic self-expression.

Voice Studio Policy

Required Materials:

1.     A pencil

2.     A bound notebook

·      Students will use this to record their weekly assignments

3.     A manuscript notebook

·      Students will use this for music theory assignments

4.     A recording device

·      Students will use this to record their lessons

5.     Sheet Music

·      Two copies double-sided and in a three-ring binder

· and offer a wide selection of individual songs that you can print off your computer

Student Expectations and Responsibilities:

 Schedule 20-30 minutes of practice each day for at least five days per week, you should be practicing as long as the length of your lesson each time you practice.

·      Two of those days must include the day before and following the private lesson

Complete all assignments written down in the assignment notebook. 

·      Practice steps are given verbally in the lesson and written in the lesson notebook.

·      Review carefully the instructions given in the previous lesson.

·      Write the goals of each lesson in your assignment notebook.

Arrive promptly at your lesson time.

·      You reserve the time slot, not the number of minutes.

Parent Expectations and Responsibilities:

Support your student and his/her musical endeavors and responsibilities!

Consistency is the key to learning any instrument!

·      This means attending lessons, practice, and performance opportunities.

Encourage progress

·      Remind your student of daily practice and help them to schedule this practice time each day.

·      Provide a practice space free from interruptions (family, friends, TV, computer, or phone).

Financial Responsibility:

Be financially responsible and pay tuition ON TIME, for any questions regarding tuition consult me via email or on the phone. You are financially responsible for providing payment promptly at the end of each lesson. LATE PAYMENTS by two weeks will incur an additional 15% of the initial payment amount for every week it is late.

 Tuition includes:

1.     A weekly time slot treated as a standing appointment for each student

2.     My personal expertise regarding individualized repertoire for development

3.     Lesson preparation

4.     Research and training in diverse teaching methods

5.     Scheduling and organization

6.     Studio Rental fees

Attendance and Absences

Students are expected to attend all scheduled lessons. Lesson times are standing appointments in which the time is reserved specifically for individual students. Please plan social engagements accordingly. Multiple absences will result in a probationary status and possible termination from the studio.

 Please communicate with me about questions or concerns you have regarding your student, music, practicing, festivals, recitals, or lesson content.